Supporting a School
Studer Trust is dedicated to providing continued support to the communities and schools in which we participate. We do this by providing...
A Space for Play
You may remember Shwe Kya Monastic school, located in Myanmar’s Naypyitaw region, from their generous donation of their facilities as...
Studer Trust English Online Course
In prior articles, we’ve shared reports of how our standard Teacher Training Center (TTC) courses [links] have been adapted to online...
Teacher Profile: Zu Zu Aung Ko Ko
Zu Zu Aung Ko Ko has dreamt of being a teacher from a young age. She was in large part inspired by her mother who is also a teacher and...
Another Studer Trust Success Story
When Ta Tine Shae Monastic School, located approximately 25km from Mandalay, was established in 1993 there were 50 students ages 5-9 with...